Malawi, me, friends, stories, and whatever else I generally find interesting that's going on in this world...

Thursday, November 18, 2004

The SETJI Project

You've all heard of SETJI right?
Of course you have...

Great idea... although the SITE could use some re-thinking.

The S.E.T.J.I. Proyect (Search for External Tribe´s Jellicle Intelligence) is based in the diversity of Jellicle Tribes over the Net Universe. It´s first target is to locate as many tribes as possible, being able to set a referal point for them and make a contact possible.
For the purpose the Proyect starts setting a central point (this page, the radio-telescope of Mt. Jellicibo) and asking every Jellicle for support.

Dr. NosrricanDirector - SETJI Proyect - Mt. Jellicibo

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